
In this project, I followed the instructions and the background introduction of the spec and explored how to use homographies and perspective warping to obtain perspective-changed image manipulation results.

Part A: Image Warping & Mosaicing

Step 1 - Shooting & Digitizing Pictures

I shoot several photos using the camera on a camera stand being rotated around, then I digitizie the photos and reduce the file size and image dimension for faster processing. The image set has 7 photos in total, including im-1.jpg, etc. Each successive pair of images have around 40%-70% of similarity and I kept certain distinguishable features of the contents being taken so it is easier to select mathcing corner and edge points as correspondences. Admittedly, the photos have different lightings due to camera setting and environmental influences which may slightly influence the warping and stitching results in later parts.

Step 2 - Recovering Homographies

In this part, I used the sel_pts and a series of other functions from Project 3 and I was able to select, store, and reload correspondence points between every two images in a pair. After selecting the correspondence points, for instance:

Image 1.2.1


Image 1.2.2


I then work on image alignment via the point correspondences, and I developed the function computeH(impts1, impts2) for recovering homography matrix \(H\) between the two images we selected correspondences for, and it will create a 3x3 transformation matrix mapping correspondence points between two image. We can also visualize it with the mathematical relationship: \[p'=Hp\], where \(p'\) and \(p\) are (correspondence) points we selected for the two images, and each point is represented in homogeneous coordinates.

We have the transformation as following: \[ \begin{bmatrix} wx' \\ wy' \\ w \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} \]

Then for each correspondence pair, we record points of coordinates \((x_1, y_1)\), \((x_2, y_2)\) from impts1 and impts2 and we can expand the matrix multiplication write th esystem as \(Ah=0\) where \(h\) is flaten \(h\) with the following 1st and 2nd rows: \[ \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & y_1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -x_1x_2 & -y_1x_2 & -x_2 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & x_1 & y_1 & 1 & -x_1y_2 & -y_1y_2 & -y_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h & 1 \end{bmatrix}^\top = \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \end{bmatrix} \] And we solve this matrix multiplication to get the homography-transformed coordinates to now how each point in the image will be rearranged to create a chaneg in perspective of the image.

We then solve the homography by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) where matrix \(A\) is decomposed and the homograhy matrix \(H\) is then derived from the eigenvectors to the smallest singular value of \(A\) which effectively minimizes error and obtain the desired result.

Step 3 - Warp Images

In this part, I morphed two images into one another using a sequence of transformations based on specified control points and traingulation.

I utilized th ehomography matrix H to transform the coordinates of source image to target image's perspectvive and in the appropriate direction, i.e. warping image 1 to image 4 then H is utilized, warping image 5 to image 4 then H's inverse instead.

I also avoided loops for actual warping computation by using np.meshgrid and other vectorized operations, and I also predicted the bounding box by transforming coordinates of original images and calculate the extends of the resulting image.

Note that the resulting image is not placed in that extended background, but the information needed for blending is returned and will be handled and associated with the extended bounding box in the mosaic function instead.

I avoided aliasing by using scipy.interpolate.griddata for resampling.

Note that I excluded the 4th warped image from the display since it is chosen as the center so it is not warped with a homography matrix but with an identity matrix, i.e., that it is not warped to any different perspective.



I also used the homography functionality to achieve Rectification of images to desired perspective. The usage of homography in previous part was to find the projective transformation relationship between 2 images with correspondence points detailing the levels of perspective adjustment. However, in this rectifying task, I do not use homograhy between 2 images, but one image and another with correspondence points of a square or a rectangle, and choose ONLY 4 correspondence points (forming a Square or a Rectangle to ensure rectified warping effects) on the image whose perspective I wish to rectify, and I ensured the order of points are the same no matter the order they are selected. Afterwards, the image is being warped using the warpImage function to the square or rectangle perspective, which works especally well for images with rectangular or square features before warping allowing for easy correspondence points selection.

All the original images below have edges in a perspective that is non-parallel, and after rectification, most of the edges are warped to parallel perspective and look more justified than before.

I have the following example of a image of a box and the resulting rectified image.

And another example of a image of a street in London and the resulting rectified image.

Here is another example of rectification of the buildings at Times Square in NYC.

Step 4: Image Blending / Mosaicing

In this part I used the mosaic function that takes in the results from warpImage (for a total of 7 with the 4th one being the center image not warped where each other image and their homographies are aligned to) where I am able to access the coordinates that matter for the creation of the dimension-extended eventual mosaic canvas.

Image 1.4.1


We can see that the warped images connect almost perfectly, exhibiting the stitched result resembling of a panoramic image. There are some slight misalignment of the images and some differences in the pixel intensities which as described in the previous part of shooting the photos that they could be caused by the camera setting and the environmental influences, and the alignment may also be affected by the number of correspondence points selected and how each points are selected accurately enough which may not always be the case since it is manually selected.

I could also use Laplacian blending to remove the sharp edges contrast in the eventual stitched image.

Another result is the pictures taken at Salt Lake City Intl. Airport for a total of 4 photos with the 2nd one being the center. The photos having some edges not being perfectly aligned which is expected since I was not able to stabilize the phone for shooting them with perspective rotated while keeping the center of projection identical throughout. But the main contents of the image are maintained and are perfectly stitched together with the homography transformation and the warpImage function implemented.

Image 1.4.3


Here are the individual photos in their original and warped forms:

One other result is the pictures taken at a classroom in Wheeler Hall.

Image 1.4.3


Here are the individual photos in their original and warped forms:





Part B: Feature Matching for Autostitching

Step 1 - Detecting Corner Features in an Image

I detected all the Harris Corners on an image using the provided harris.py (in lib.py file) which dots the entire image with points, which I will later filter out most to select the most suitable corner points, as shown below:

I then implemented the Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression (ANMS) on the Harris Corner points to select a subset of the corner points from an image. ANMS is designed to retain strong corner points while ensuring that they are spatially well-distributed across the image, and this is crucial for tasks like image matching and stitching which I implemented in later parts.

The Harris Corners detection algorithm provided me a series of corner points and their corresponding corner strengths. I then ordered the corner points in descending order by their corner strengths and ensuring the strongest corners are considered first during suppression process.

And for each corner point, I initialize the radius to infinity as it represents the minimum distance to a stronger corner point that satisfy the conditions.

Then I also considered all previously processed corner points since they have higher corner strengths from being sorted first. And I calculated the Euclidean distance between the current corner point and each stronger corner point using the provided dist2 function. Then I find the minimum distance to a stronger corner and setting the radius to that minimal distance.

\[ r_i = \min_j\{\sqrt{(x_i - x_j)^2 + (y_i - y_j)^2}\} \text{ for all } j \text{ where } c_j > c_i \]

I then calculated a minimum alloable suppression radius for the current corner point which is proportional to its corner strength relative tothe max corner strength, by using the c_robust parameter which controlls the sensitivity of suppression radius to corner strength. Then if the minimum distance (radius) is greater than the minimal radius, I update teh suppression radius for corner point i, otherwise still set to infinity, and this ensures that only corner points sufficiently distant from stronger corners and are beyond minimum allowable radius are considered for selection.

After that, i selected the top 500 corner points with the largest suppression radii and are evenly distributed across the image. See results below:

Step 2 - Extracting a Feature Descriptor for each Feature Point

I then implemented the Feature Descriptor Extraction for each feature point found in the previous part to facilitae accurate image matching. I 1st convert the input image to grayscale if it is not already to simplify feature descriptor extraction by reducing data dimensionality and use corner points identified from previous ANMS result as centers for feature descriptor extraction.

For each point, I extacted a large square patch around the feature point, chosen to have the size of 40x40 pixels to ensure sufficient contextual info around it is pertained and is essential for creating stable descriptor. I also checked for whether or not the entire patch lies within the image boundaries to avoid errors during extraction.

Then apply Gaussian blur to the patch with the standard deviation (sigma) of the Gaussian kernel as the parameter controlling blurring extent and helps reduce impact of noise and minor variations in image making teh descriptor more robust.

Then i downsampled teh patches to have 0 mean and unit (1) variance (bias/gain normalization) to make descriptor invariant to changes in lighting and contrast. I then flatten the normalized 8x8 patch into a 64 dimensional vector to represent feature of teh patch and a descriptor for corresponding feature point.

Step 3 - Matching Extacted Feature Descriptors between two Images

Then I implemented Feature Descriptors matching by identifying pairs of feature descriptors from 2 different images likely corresponding to the same physical point in teh scene.

For each descriptor in the 1st image, I find the 2 nearest neighbor descriptors in the 2nd image based on the dist2 (Euclidean distance) function, and then I determined whether the match is valid by calculating if the ratio of the distance to the neighrest neighbor to the distance to the 2nd-nearest neighbor is belowed teh specified threshold, as proposed by David Lowe.

By using this criterion, I filter out ambiguous matches where closest descriptor not significantly closer than the second-closest. I tested out several times and observed the empirical evidence and differences between images matched, and set the threshold value accordingly.

I then also plot the matched points b/w 2 images on a single image to visualize the correspondences, as shown below:

Image Match


Here I also implemented the same for the other image sets, here are some example shown:

Image Match (SLC)


Image Match (Blackboard)


It is obvious to see that the common parts of the 2 images have correspondence points capturing the corner details and characteristics well, while there do exist some points that exist in one image and not the other, which may cause some imperfections, but later it is shown that they have miniscule effects.

Step 4 - RANSAC (Homography Computation)

I then implemented the Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) functionality for computation of homographies.

I start by repeatedly selecting a random subset of matched point pairs (4 points) and compute a homography H based on these sample points. I Then, for each sample, I use the homography function from part A to calculate teh homography using the direct linear transformation. Then, I apply the computed H homography to all the matched points and count how many of the transformation by H able to create residuals below the threshold, and repeatedly I am able to find teh H that gives the maximum number of inliers (i.e., points randomly selected but happen to fit well) and this will be the best estimate under the specified number of iterations of random sampling.

Below I show the optimal points selected by RANSAC:

Step 5 - Mosaic using Autostitching

And after calculating the optimal homography matrix, I can warp the images and create the mosaics like part A before, as shown below. These mosaics look almost the same as selecting the correspondence points manually, indicating success in the autostitching algorithms implemented.

Image RANSAC Mosaic


Similarly, I can also implement this on teh other image sets (selecting 4 points in RANSAC).

Image RANSAC Mosaic SLC


Image RANSAC Mosaic Blackboard


Image RANSAC Mosaic BART


This mosaic looks slightly unrefined due to the fact the the images I took did not have the same center of projection due to difficulties arising in taking the photographs, but they are still almost perfectly aligned in the mosaic.